Monday, November 18, 2013


It was while we were on a Segway tour of Oakland that I saw this Christmas tree being installed. I found it odd that they'd place it so close to palm trees. Everyone knows that palms and pines don't mix. 

But the contrast is beautiful. Like the contrast of laughter after tears, or peace following conflict. 

I'm going to stop trying to make sense of this and just enjoy it for what it is: beautiful. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

remain committed

I'm on day 17 of a 20-day cleanse. 

This bowl is on the table at our staff meeting. 

Oh! To outlast my impulses!

I wonder if this is what is meant when scripture mentions "temptation"?

Monday, October 28, 2013

before i die

"before i die, i want to be tried for piracy" was written on the wall of the Before I Die project in New Orleans. That caught the attention of Debbie Slayton.

Debbie grabbed a few friends and constructed a Before I Die wall at Center for Spiritual Living San José. Here she is on its inaugural day. 

Come down and add your thoughts. Or, you can add your thoughts here. 

Before I die, I want to...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

timeless advice

Al Kramer was 94 years old when he offered this advice about longevity:

1. Wear Sunscreen.

2. Floss.

3. Get pedicures.

The woman in the photo is Vicky. She works at Grand Nails in Oakland and I have a date with her every two weeks.

I'm a good student - check!

Monday, October 14, 2013

keep it simple

We went on a hot air balloon ride for mauricio's birthday, and watching the setup of the balloons was as fun as the ride itself.

They attach a basket big enough for 12 people to a bag made from fabric, then add some hot air = instant transportation. Gives a whole new perspective to "full of hot air".

Try it, you'll like it. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

what if you don't have a shopping cart?

I was at the laundromat washing some large bedding when I saw something that shed insight to an unasked question...

"If you're homeless and you don't have a shopping cart, where do you store your stuff during the day?"

The answer: in an unused dryer at the laundromat. 

Now it all makes sense. 

Case ... er ... dryer closed. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

looking back from here

My friend (Edward Viljoen) found a cache of ancient photos and he's posting them in stealth. 

This one was snapped in the summer of 1991. I was 25 and had my whole life in front of me. What I recall about that time, though, was how scared I was ... scared that I'd get old, scared that I wouldn't get old, scared I'd be alone without family or friends, scared I'd never make it ... whatever "it" was. 

I'm smiling at the thought of Edward in the year 2035 posting a photo of me today. Maybe I'll look back on my 47-year old self and think, "Dang! You still had your whole life ahead of you!"

I hope so. 

Say, "Cheese!"

Monday, September 23, 2013

blinding flash of the obvious

I saw this billboard on a street in Las Vegas. In addition to being humorous, the sign reminded me not to complicate my communications with too many words. Hugs to y'all!

Monday, September 16, 2013

i know it's blurry, but...

... that's the way life appears to me at times. 

It was before 6:00 AM and I was in the front seat of the Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck with a 22' travel trailer in tow. My brother Ken was driving and my sister-in-law, Robin, was riding bitch. 

We were headed from Salt Lake City to Yellowstone, chatting about Syria and what role, if any, the USA ought to play. 

I looked up and saw the sign for which I'd been unprepared, "Welcome to Idaho". I grabbed my iPhone and snapped this as we flew by it. 

Rather than delete the photo, I thought I'd keep it as a reminder of life: enjoy the scenery as it comes - even if it is blurry. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

i'm on my way

work has begun on the new 'sacred space garden' at center for spiritual living in san josé, california - and things are a beautiful mess!

looking at this broken concrete reminds me of dr. joyce murphey, who wrote, "i'm not where i need to be, but thank god I'm not where i used to be. i'm ok, and i'm on my way!" 

even though things are torn up and a mess, "we're okay and we're on our way!"

Monday, September 2, 2013

friend or foe?

it's neither good nor bad, friend nor foe, desirable nor unwanted. yet, sometimes i'm drawn to it and sometimes i pretend it's not there.

its job is to tell me what is. is my job to pay attention to what is - or to pretend that what is, isn't?

i'm going to the bakery now, at which i'll contemplate this a little more. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

i'm happy to be happy in the presence of another's happy

I was sitting behind Jess Fiedler while Gypsy Soul sang at Center for Spiritual Living in San José yesterday. I was inspired by the music, for sure. But when Jess raised her smart phone to record the performance, something in me burst with happiness. Her joy became my joy. I'm still humming that tune...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

my first photographic post

This is the Science of Mind symbol made out of sticks and twigs. It was on the ground at Asilomar conference grounds in Pacific Grove, CA. I don't know who made it, but I'm glad that they did. I love anonymous displays of beauty.